Phew! About a few hours later, and I finally have Zonelets set up as my personal blogging template! Giving myself a pat on the back, right now! It feels so cozy in here! I might add in more graphics for this section of my site, but for now, I’m content with the customization.

Speaking of my site… if any visitors are here, welcome! Thanks for stopping by for the new update! I hope you’re having a good day on the world wide web. If you’re not, there’s always tomorrow, my friend. My northern hemisphere readers are soaking in the sun of another summer, and my room’s turning into a sauna. If this isn’t public by July, I melted and became a puddle of goo. Sorry.

I think it’s been about four days since I deleted my Tumblr accounts. It feels like I broke myself out of a prison cell, but no one is accompanying me on the escape. I freed up time to focus on projects such as this, but I no longer have the individual support or audience to congratulate my progress on them. I second guess myself if this is a good idea - if I should just rush back and check how other users are doing without me. It sounds pathetic, and to myself, it is.

To combat this lost feeling, I’ve actually been in the works of making myself a Commonplace Book out of an old composition notebook I journaled in when I was in my early years of high school. It’s essentially a catalog of information - a database of thoughts, quotes, lyrics, ideas, inspirations, drawings - literally anything under the sun the writer proves worthy of remembering down the line. I tend to doodle a lot in it, but today, I wrote in lyrics from a NOTHING MORE single that came out this year (I’m very very very excited for their new album! June 28th, baby!!!!!). I started writing in it yesterday actually, so I hope to do it every night before I go to bed, or whenever inspiration hits.

On top of that, I’ve been re-reading The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. I read this book back in middle school, and finished the whole Chaos Walking trilogy during COVID. It’s, hands down, one of my favorite pieces of literature ever. I have such specific interests when it comes to reading novels, but everything about the first book specifically grips me tight and doesn’t let go until the very end. It’s a dystopian novel about these settlers on a different planet from Earth hearing the thoughts of each other (referred to as “Noise“), and how the protagonist, Todd Hewitt, transforms into the man he wishes to become as he’s on the run with a girl who essentially crash-lands on this “New World”. It touches on the concepts of masculinity nobody will truly grasp and the transition between adolescence to adulthood. Super fast-paced, on-your-toes-type of read, but it’s so engaging for me. It inspired one of my fanfics that I’m currently on a break from, but that goes to show how much it means to me.

I didn't think I'd write this much, but wow! I sure had a lot to yap about. [ToT] Catch you later! Drink some water, while you're at it!